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Assess  -  Design  -  Produce


Depending on the global position of the customer site, three different climate zones are of interest:

* Cool Climate >50% RH

* Subtropical Climate <30% RH

* Tropical Climate >90% RH


GRUTEC FIBRE approaches a project by assessing:

*  local climate and the required air treatment

*  given or proposed architecture


GRUTEC FIBRE continous the project by:

* setting up proper air flow streams

* dimensioning storage volume and air flow


GRUTEC FIBRE finishes the project by

* producing the specific fibers

* delivers fibers, fans, air ducts, controls​

Daily temperature and humidity graphs over the proposed seasonal operation time are the basics to dimense  the proper thermal process. Also the architecture and the supposed room climate are evaluted and considered.

To achieve the supposed final climate, proper storage volumes and air streams are designed. There are two main operation modes considered: fresh air intake with exhaust flow or closed loop circulation. If the focus is on cooling, Swing Adsorption is applied.


By thermo-chemical treatment of thin organic fibers with GRUTEC conditioning, mole- cular pores are produced and fixed. The final product is pressed to bales for transpor-tation and openened on the construction site to be installed.

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